Meet Jon C. Buschbaum NH Land Surveyor – Owner of Envirespect Land Services LLC

I have recently come to know a gentlemen by the name of Jon C. Bushbaum, owner of Envirespect Land Services LLC. Jon registered ENVIRESPECT LAND SERVICES, LLC in 2018. Jon became a licensed land surveyor,
I went full-time into my business and that was just this year 2022.  In this interview I ask Jon about his line of work as New Hampshire land surveyor and how he helps people.

How did you get into the land surveying business?

Jon Buschbaum – owner of Envirespect Land Services LLC

“I have worked in land resources all my life. I’ve also worked in many areas of the State of New Hampshire. Some of my work with other professionals has allowed me to work in 6 out of the 10 counties in New Hampshire. Having
been fortunate to work at and attain multiple licenses, my professional life steered me in this direction. When I finally was able to become a licensed land surveyor at the age of 58, it was time to go in another direction, and going meant full steam ahead. I’m pretty sure that I’ll never retire because I love what I do and can’t see myself doing anything different.”

Why did you start this NH land surveying business?

“I started my business because I have something unique to offer. We’re like a “one-stop” shop when it comes to land use and development here in New Hampshire. We also have enough experience to balance that land use and development when combined with the environmental concerns that may be involved. We’re a voice for the environment and we do whatever we have to do to protect the environment. That’s one thing that I can’t stress enough to people and individuals that I work with. We need to do better for the environment and stop treating it like it really doesn’t matter… does….believe me!   

Can you tell me a little about you and what you want people to know about you?

“I’m 58 years old and I’ve had an interesting life. I’ve logged with draft horses, skidders, and all the way up to that multi-million dollar machinery that cuts trees down, limbs them up, and cut’s them to length. Regarding all the logging equipment, my opinion is we should have stayed with horses.

Having worked in the woods with a team of Belgian draft horses, I was a frugal spender and when the farrier came every other month and it cost me $250.00 to shoe my draft horses, I knew that my next mission was to learn how to shoe my own horses. Once I started doing this, I was allowed to apprentice with an old Italian farrier part time and then got my certification through the American Farriers Association as a certified farrier so when I wasn’t managing land, I could help out some horses.

I’ve been in the woods all my life and I wouldn’t have had any other way. That’s where I belong.”

Can you tell me about your background and experience in the land management business?

“I’ve been managing land for over 35 years. Land management comes with so many challenges that require permits, applications, submissions, information requests, etc., to state regulatory agencies, along with requirements for towns and their boards and commissions. State reviews and local town reviews have become complex and very comprehensive and cumbersome. Having been around for so much of this regulation process in its earlier stages, we have the experience of going through the changes with what needs to be done to move anything forward or propose. It’s a much slower process now because so much is needed and required, with everything involved.

So much of my professional experience has been with surveying, forestry, and wetlands. I’ve been involved with this my entire adult life and all of my professional career. When I worked up in the Merrimack County area, I did quite a bit of septic design work due to the surveying that is involved. I’ve been designing septic systems for over 10 years, and it’s really changed in that amount of time.”

What exactly do you offer for services? 


We do all different types of surveys depending on what the objective is, and what would be needed to reach that objective.


Wetland Delineations, Functional Wetland Assessments, Wetland location and consultation.


Stewardship Plans/Management Plans, Timber Stand Assessments, Forest Stand Mapping and Identification, Timber Harvesting Consultation and Management.


Septic Design
Septic System Evaluation
Site Assessments


Wetlands permits
Shoreland permits


“Land assessment and evaluations come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on what the objective is and how it will impact the environment can give anyone the information they need in order to help with their planning. Having some insight with what the State and Towns require can be valuable information and give any interested party some guidelines that perhaps can save them some time and money. So many of our clients say to us….”We should have called you before we purchased the property”. Most of these are inexpensive and give the person some really good insight.”

What are some things people should know about your business and how your business is different?

“We’re a very small company but we can do quite a bit of work in a very timely manner. Having always relied on ourselves to “get the job done”, we’ve been able to address all aspects of any professional
process because we’re the ones that do them. We can preform so many different professional services with such a small company in such a timely manner because we don’t use the methods and procedures that are common with much larger companies than us.”

What is the main benefit people get doing business with you?

Jason Lavertue

“They get me and my associate Jason Lavertue. We’re the ones that answer the phone, the emails and the texts. We’re the ones in the field doing the work, we’re the ones in the office doing the work. We’re a very small company but completely connected to ALL of the work. We’re the entire company, and you will see us everywhere.”

What’s the biggest mistake you see people making as related to your business?

-Trying to cut corners;
-Get away with less work;
-Trying to “buck” the system and get away with minor details that should be considered;
-Not caring about what they’re doing;
-Trying to get paid for professional work without doing the professional work;  

Bonus question:  What’s your favorite thing about New Hampshire?  

“THE LAND! New Hampshire is unique both geologically and geographically. Having been under ice, that was 1 mile thick in some places, along with being one of the last areas in the country for the receding glaciers, our soils are relatively young. Having the different landforms and landscapes makes New Hampshire so special.”

Learn More About Envirespect Land Services, LLC

You can learn more about Jon and his services here:

Envirespect Land Services LLC
Nelson, NH

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Kyle Battis is a life-long NH resident that enjoys making his way around the state, sampling delicious food and drinks, and sharing his experiences. Follow us at